August Round-Up '23
This month was rough.
If you read my previous post, you know that August had a very upsetting start for me. Long story short, one of my crowns popped out and I found out my previous dentist's work was so bad that I had to entirely remove the tooth + put in a bridge. This left me with a very nasty bill which required money I didn't have... but, through the immense kindness of my friends, that bill's miraculously almost entirely covered!! As of this writing, I'm a little less than $500 from my $5k goal; I'm grateful to everyone who's helped! Healing-wise, it's been a very slow process: I had a rough tooth removal and a bone graft, which I was totally unprepared for how long healing would take (3+ weeks in and I'm just now getting to a point where I don't constantly have pain). I have a check-in with the surgeon next week, and then the $5k goal is for the second big surgery at the end of September... I'll continue doing my best to make my goal and stay strong!
**Update 9/1:** I hit my full $5K goal!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who helped!!!!
And so... onward to the good things I created & experienced this month!!

"Why don't you come to the planetarium? The beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter what... All the stars in the sky are waiting for you."

Go into the experience blind. Trust me!!!

I'm still watching everything I previously mentioned that's a part of this current season, so here are some stand-outs that we enjoyed while waiting on new episodes to drop:

Here's Adol looking very baby!
Assorted Media

That's all for now!
Thanks to the surgery and many weeks of hard recovery, it was a little hard to enjoy as much varied media as I normally would this month. September is already shaping up to be very busy, but I hope I'll be able to make time to enjoy more stuff!! Just as before, I would love to hear about what you thought of what I said - perhaps you have a different opinion? - as well as know what you've been interested in lately. Until next time!!